Lefkada/Lefkas Marina
The Lefkas Marina is a 15-minute walk from Lefkas town. In terms of navigation, the marina is located at the northern end of the canal which separates Lefkas island from the coast of Greece. The marina lies within an L-shaped breakwater pontoon and provides good shelter from Eastern and Northerly winds. Marina Lefkas operates all year round. The Lefkas Marina is a fully-functioning marina with all necessary amenities and being only 15-minutes from the main town, a whole array of shops, supermarkets, cafes, bars and restaurants are available.
Berth Characteristics • 620 berths for up to 45m length and 4m draught.
Radio Channel • You can reach Lefkas Marina by calling VHF69.
Amenities and Services:
- Reception
- Port Police office
- Laundry
- Toilets and shower facilities
- Café/Bar
- Supermarket
- Swimming pool (at a charge)
- Electricty
- Fresh Water
- The marina can accommodate a wide range of repairs, including mechanical, electrical, sails repair, carpentry and haul-out with travel-lift (150T).